
Welcome to the Initial Sign Up

* Required Information

1. Customer Information

Welcome to Bushtex, Inc.’s online booking service. Please fill out the information to the best of your knowledge and use the addition information box for any specific needs. If you need weekly, monthly, or annual service, please call us at +480.471.6688 or email us at so we can better serve you. Terms of Service apply for any bookings made online.

Business Personal
First Name: Last Name:
*This field is required *This field is required
Company Name:
Address: Address 2:
*This field is required
City: State: Postal Code:
*This field is required *This field is required
*This field is required
Telephone Number:
*This field is required
Fax Number:
Email: Re-Enter Email:
*This field is required *This field is required

2. User Information

Please enter the username and password you wish to use to access this site. Your username and password must be unique and if your chosen details are already taken you will have to choose another. The secret question and answer are used in case you forget your login details. Choose a question which you will easily remember the answer to in case of an emergency.

Enter A Username:
*This field is required
Enter A Password: Confirm Your password:
*This field is required *This field is required
Choose Your Secret Question:
*This field is required
Type Your Secret Answer:
*This field is required

3. Terms of Service Agreement

Please read the terms of service carefully before submitting.

I agree to the terms of service. * This field is required
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